Lynzy Lentz, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Committing to undergoing a total knee replacement can be scary for many, and there may be many unknown factors that might be making you skeptical about going through with a surgery such as this one. However, with these tips, your surgery and recovery should be smoother and more successful, and you can get back to doing the things you love!

  1. Pre and post-surgery, visit with a Doctor of Physical Therapy to build a strong foundation of lower leg mobility, strength and balance to set you up for success. 
  2. Work on your home exercise program daily leading up to surgery. This will make it much easier and less surprising to do after your surgery, as many of the exercises will most likely be very similar.
  3. Your physical therapist will answer any of your questions, including your home setup, walking with a walker, controlling swelling and the importance of a solid knee stretching program. 
  4. Schedule your first post-operation appointment for a few days after surgery (this will depend on your surgeon’s preference). 
  5. After surgery, begin working with your therapist at any one of our 13 21st Century Rehab locations, which you can view here!
  6. Motion is lotion! The recovery after a total knee replacement can be difficult, but if you stick to the plan your physical therapist provides for you, you are much more likely to achieve your goals. 

Having a total knee replacement can be intimidating. Meeting with a Doctor of Physical Therapy before your surgery will not only help put your mind at ease, but also set you up for much greater success post-surgery. We are here to ensure you are successful in your recovery and return to your desired activities. Remember, it is your choice where you go for physical therapy!