Are you currently breastfeeding your baby or planning to? Don’t let bad posture add to the stress. Here are some tips to help support you and your baby, while preventing back or neck pain associated with breastfeeding.
- Sit in a supportive chair, feet supported on floor or footstool
- Bring the baby to you, don’t slouch to bring your breast to baby
- Use pillows to support baby as needed, baby level with chest keep baby’s tummy facing in towards you
- Once your baby is latched successfully, try to rest your head back in a more neutral position versus looking at baby
- Pumping? This applies as well! Get a hands-free pumping bra to allow you to relax during expression
Aside from posture, here are some basic tips for nursing
- Don’t rush the feeding, allow the baby to nurse as long as you are seeing/hearing swallows. Once that slows, switch sides
- Go in a private room if you find family get togethers are too distracting for your baby
- As babies grow, they might prefer different positions, such as laid back, football hold, cradle. Experiment and see what works best for both of you
- Maintain your supply with good nutrition and adequate hydration
- If you are having pain while nursing, please contact a certified breastfeeding specialist at your nearest 21st Century Rehab. No referral is needed to see any of our therapists.